Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends. -- Cindy Lew
Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure. -- Jewish Saying
"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you."
-- Elbert Hubbard
"Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure."
-- Jewish saying
What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. -- Aristotle
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.-- Albert Camus
"The only way to have a friend is to be one."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.-- Abraham Lincoln
| 'A Friend Fills Our Life With...' A warm Friendship Quote with a message for a friend who's very close to your heart. [ Flash ] |
| Life Is A Joyride ! A smart, cool and fun Friendship ecard to share with your friend/ best pal/ loved one. [ Postcard ] |
Hold a true friend with both your hands. -- Nigerian Proverb
"A faithful friend is the medicine of life."
-- Apocrypha
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous
Friends are like melons; shall I tell you why? To find one good you must one hundred try. -- Claude Mermet
"Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil."
-- Baltasar Gracian (1647)
| World's Biggest Treasure... A warm Friendship Quote that'll make your friend feel extra special. [ Flash ] |
| The Most Precious Gift ! A warm, cute, heartfelt and fun 'Friendship Quote' for your buddy/ pal/ friend/ loved one. [ Flash ] |
"Friendship needs no words..."
-- Dag Hammarskjold.
"Friends are the sunshine of life."
-- John Hay (1871)
"The best mirror is an old friend."
--George Herbert
One who looks for a friend without faults will have none. -- Hasidic Saying
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.-- Walter Winchell
Friends are needed both for joy and for sorrow. -- Samuel Paterson
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