Mar 13, 2007
The Importance of Having Your Spouse As Your Friend
The Importance of Having Your Spouse As Your Friend

Friendship Play a big role in marriage . Its important that a married couple remain Friends forever . I came across a great Post here which talks about the essential Role in having your Spouse as a Friend . Read on to know more.

Dickens’ book, A Tale of Two Cities is one of the classic examples of what friendship means -- to "lay down one’s life".

For marital friendship to be successful, your friendship needs to go beyond the concept of conditional love. You simply can not play the "I’ll give if you give" game.

To be willing to lay down one’s life is to let go of all game-playing, and to be willing to give even if one is not given to.

Game-playing in your marriage is not just the big games married couples sometimes play with one another. You need to notice the little games such as waiting for the toilet paper to be replaced or waiting for the other to take out the trash.

True friends, especially married friends, want to make life better for each other. Married life should be more than just survival or coping. You should be enriching one another's life.

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An Example: Some friends of ours were having a difficult time in their marriage and asked us for help.

After listening to them talk, we thought that writing to each other would be a good beginning. We suggested that they write a small note to one another on a daily basis.

The husband absolutely refused. The wife, who heard us when we mentioned that marriage was a 100/100 proposition, decided to write him a note each day any way.

He refused to read the notes. So, at night, when he was asleep, she would sit on the edge of the bed and read her love notes out loud to him. She did this nightly for six months.

He finally sat up one evening and said, ‘OK...if our relationship means that much to you, I’ll write too.’

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If you don’t know how to do this, ask your spouse.

So...back to the bottom line.

Are you, as a married couple, friends?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

What do you need to do to be more "friendly" with one another?

How does looking at your marriage in terms of friendship make you feel?
posted by Robert at Tuesday, March 13, 2007 ¤ Permalink ¤